List of Common Structural Failure Causes

List of Common Structural Failure Causes

The construction mistakes we see everywhere are not only as a result of the bad judgement of the engineering and his computational tools (List of Common Structural Failure Causes). Also a good reason for failures is  bad and even poor communication between the various design professionals involved in the process, as same as the fabricators and erectors. Also the reason can be the luck of communication with workmanship, and making compromises while dealing with hard and unexpected situations.
The most common causes of structural failures are:

(1) Poor communication between the various design professionals involved, e.g. engineers involved in conceptual design and those involved in the supervision of execution of works.

(2) poor communication between the fabricators and erectors.

(3) Bad workmanship, which is often the result of failure to communicate the design decisions to the persons, involved in executing them.

(4) Compromises in professional ethics and failure to appreciate the responsibility of the profession to the community at large could also result in catastrophic failures.
Other common causes of structural failure are:

(5) lack of appropriate professional design and construction experience, especially when novel structures are needed.

(6) complexity of codes and specifications leading to misinterpretation and misapplication.

(7) unwarranted belief in calculations and in specified extreme loads and properties.

(8) inadequate preparation and review of contract and shop drawings.

(9) poor training of field inspectors.

(10) compressed design and/or construction time.


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